Annihilation: Movie review

Well, it certainly excited me (or shall I call it 'compelled' me) enough to write a blog about it. The story seems pretty real, plot- very catchy and compelling. The best part is the way they found out the science about that creepy alien stuff when they entered inside the shimmering stuff.
If you hadn't watched the movie, off-course it seems so freaking confusing on what I am talking about. Well I was some what craving for some kind of good Sci-fi movie, and guess what I am feeling some-what satisfied watching it.
 Image result for annihilation
The visual is awesome. I just loved the logic-the refraction of not only radio signals or wave inside the shimmering but also the DNAs of every creature that lives or goes inside the shimmering thing.
It some what changed or annihilated the belief that I was holding about what the alien stuff should be like. The way they talked about hox gene, and animals that catch another persons final scream while they eat them, and at last and creepeast of all, you got your own kind of duplicate form haha.
So, freaking weird and nasty. I guess, aliens always are weird.
I also checked Wikipedia, and found out that Alex Garland had directed this weird and interesting movie and he had also created another interesting movie that I had heard so much 'Ex-machina', I might be watching it soon.
The actors, and the creative team deserves whole credit. 
Enjoyed it. 
Cheers !!!

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